Shell Gadus S2 U460L 2
Previous product name: Shell Darina R2
Shell Gagus S2 U460L 2
Shell Gadus S2 U460L grease is based on an inorganic non-soap thickener and a specially selected base oil. Provides satisfactory lubrication at temperatures where lithium greases cannot be used.
Shell Gadus S2 U460L grease uses high quality, deeply refined mineral oil with a high viscosity and excellent resistance to oxidation and evaporation. The oxidation resistance is further enhanced by the addition of a special high temperature oxidation inhibitor.
-Recommended for use in bearings operating in the temperature range from -20 0 C to 180 0 C.
-Shell Gadus S2 U460L gives good use time
in many applications where otherwise
you would have to use expensive lubricants: synthetic or silicone.
-Specially selected base oil with high viscosity
used in Shell Gadus S2 U460L grease makes
is particularly suitable for the lubrication of heavily loaded, slow-running bearings.
-Under certain conditions, Shell Gadus S2 U460L grease can
be used at temperatures exceeding 200 0 C,
on condition that appropriate relubrication periods are selected.